Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter and Birthday in the same weekend

Since this was the earliest Easter ever that we can remember, Kole's 6th birthday was the Saturday before. Made for a lot of celebrating this weekend. We went to Grandma's house and spent the weekend. The girls and I went window shopping on Saturday while Kole hung out with Boyd and Blain. Then we had cake for Kole and he had a few gifts to open. Everyone had a good time. Then on Easter the kids had breakfast and went outside for an Easter Egg hunt before the squirrels could steal them this year. After the Easter Egg hunt it was time to watch a movie while mom and I started Easter lunch/dinner. Kole and Kaci played with Kole's new presents and Kali and Vivian watched TV with Boyd. I took Reiko for a walk and then we ate. After leaving mom's house we went down by the river then off to Brent's for a breif visit on the way to see Great Grandma. Then finally home where housework awaited and getting things ready for the week was still here.

Kole happy with himself

Opening that really big long gift

Birthday cakes

Blowing out candle

WOW a tractor

Easter Egg hunt

Kali looking for eggs

All the kids with eggs

By the river

Reiko is ready to go home

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