Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Very busy and accidents happen

We were very busy this weekend with soccer, volleyball and American Girl Fashion show rehearsals. This whole weekend upset Kole's routine, so he was ornerier than usual. He does not like to not get his way. Of course that is any child, but most would wander off and find something to do. Well, Kole did. He decided it would be great fun to walk on the back of out pillow back sofa. Well, his balance was not that great and he fell and smacked his face on the arm of hte couch which is not padded very well and now has a really good shiner. The kids are on spring break this week, so we are able to keep putting ice on it for a couple days to get the swelling down more. He has been going to daycare to keep him busy while the girls are here doing extra chores and watching movies. They are doing pretty good, with the exception of calling 911 by accident whiole trying to dial a different number. I told them to quit it!LOL
You would think at ages 16, 11, and 8 they could amuse themselves. NOT!
Thank goodness the weather is getting nicer and they can go bike riding and stuff like that.
Next weekend tends to be another busy one. Volleyball, soccer, and fashion show rehearsals again. This next weekend is dress rehearsals. I will try to get some pictures of that.
And then poor Kole just gets dragged around all over the place wherever we have to be. No wonder he is acting out. hmm sounds like Kole needs a date to do something he wants to.
That's all the updates for now.

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