Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kole's Progress in Tranisistional Kindergarten

I had the pleasure of meeting with Kole's teacher yesterday for a parent teacher conference.
Wow what a long way Kole has come in just over 2 years! We are very proud of his acedemic progress and behavioral too.

At the beginning of the school year he could name 60 words now at the end of the school year they had to cut him off at 145. For Letter Recognition at the beginning of the school year he could name 2 in 60 seconds. Now he can name 19 in 60 seconds. He does know all letters lower and upper case except q,n,u,h. He did take a lot of thought but he did get them all but those 4! He can out to 49 in 60 seconds at the beginning of the year he could count to 19. He can identitfy 38 numbers in 56 seconds now, when at the beginning of the year he could identify 28 numbers.

When it comes to class behaviour he does not disrupt class, but does have some problems staying focused in large group settings.

He raises his hand, alot. LOL Then sometimes has forgotten what he wanted to say.
He used to not even want to participate or would just interupt to tell the teacher something.

He has very good social skills, with the exception of being a bit controlling. LOL But we knew that!

He wants to be a good student and please his teacher. He also will give exceptional work but can be very meticulous which can cause him to work at a slower rate then the others in class.

He still builds spectatular towers with large wooden blocks and when he puts them away, he does so by shape, size and color.

All in all I would say his year in Transitional Kindergarten was fantastic!

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